こんにちは、Reynaldoさん!(Konnichiwa, Reynaldo-san! "Hello, Reynaldo!")
Great question! "Hajimemashite" (はじめまして)is a phrase used when you meet someone for the first time. It literally translates to "It is a beginning" or "Nice to meet you". So, "Hajimemashite, Rey desu" would mean "Nice to meet you, I'm Rey."
On the other hand, "Watashi wa Rey desu" (わたしはレイです)translates to "I am Rey." "Watashi wa" is a way of saying "I am" in Japanese. So, you can use "Watashi wa Rey desu" in any situation where you need to introduce yourself, not just the first time you meet someone.
Keep up the good work! Your interest in learning Japanese is inspiring. Remember, practice makes perfect! がんばってください!(Ganbatte kudasai! "Keep it up!")
Team JapanesePod101.com
What's the difference between Hajijamashite Rey Desu & Watashiwa Rey desu
Hi Methsani Alwis,
Thank you for posting.
You're welcome! Keep up the great work😉
Let us know if you have any questions.
Team JapanesePod101.com
Hi Lilli,
Thank you for your comment!
"Onegai shimasu" is just "please." When you ask someone for something, you can use this by itself as is.
"Kudasai" is used with some "purpose" or "what you want" together to make a sentence.
Example: Please~... (...~kudasai.)
>Ashita denwa shite kudasai. (Please give me a call tomorrow.)
Onegai shimasu. (Please.) >Child) Mom, can you buy me a bike? (Mama, jitensha katte?)
Mom) Not right now. (Ima wa dame.)
Child) Please! (Onegai!)
Please let us know if you have any other questions! 😄
Best regards,
Team JapanesePod101.com
I need help with the words: Onegai shimasu and kudasai, When do I use it and how?
Thanks for helping!
Hi Toan,
Thank you for posting!
Glad that you found our vocabulary list helpful!
In case of any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Cristiane (クリスチアネ)
Team Japanesepod101.com
ありがとうございました。It's helpful lesson.
Ahmad さん、
Thank you for your message.
Just a minor correction:
Please use: "Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu" (どうもありがとうございます。)
Please check out this lesson that explains about how to say "thank you":
Let us know if you have any questions.
Cristiane (クリスチアネ)
Team Japanesepod101.com
Demo arigato ghozaimasu
Hamed san,
Hajimemashite. :smile:
Thank you for the post.
as slippery as an eel means ‘ateninaranai hito’ or ‘sinraidekinai hito’ or ‘zurui hito’.
Do you know those type of people around you?
Yuki 由紀
Team JapanesePod101.com
hi good job.
it's new member.
how we can say (s.b is as slippery as an eel)?
thanks a lot
Addie san,
Thank you for the comment.
Let’s study with us.
Yuki 由紀
Team JapanesePod101.com
:smile: Thank you I am a beginner so still learning :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::heart::heart::heart:
Juan san,
You should say ‘けっこんきねん おめでとうございます’. :heart:
Yuki 由紀
Team JapanesePod101.com
How do you say, "happy anniversary" in Japanese?
happy anniversay は 日本語でなんですか
My Japanese friends' wedding anniversary is coming son. How do you say, "Happy Anniversary" in Japanese?
Male can use both “watashi” and ”boku”.
On the other hand female can use only “watashi” basically.
Yuki 由紀
Team JapanesePod101.com
Wouldn't the phrase go "boko wa (name) desu" if a male said it, rather than "watashi"?
Yak san,
Thank you for the comment.
Team JapanesePod101.com