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Break up quotes
13 words
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Break up quotes
13 words
Machi gata hit to tsukiau yori wa dare tomo tsukiawanai hō ga ii.
Being with no one is better than being with the wrong one.
Anata no jinsei no naka de, anata no kokoro no naka ni ite mo jinsei no naka ni wa inai hito ga iru koto ni kizuku deshō.
At some point in your life, you will become aware that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.
Kono labugēmu wa otagai ni yuzuriau mono na noni, anata wa tada morau dake.
This love game is give and take but you took everything!
Anata wa watashi o horobosu koto wa dekinai.
You cannot destroy me.
Yami ga nakereba, hoshi wa kagayaku koto ga dekinai.
Stars can't shine without darkness.
Toki ni wa, monogoto wa kuzureochiru. Soshite, yori yoi mono ga atsumaru.
Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.
Itsuka imi o nasu.
Someday it's going to make sense.
Anata ni warui koto ga okireba ii na.
I hope you step on a lego.
Ima, kono toki ni jibun ga dō kanjiru ka o eraberu no wa jibun dake desu.
I am in charge of how I feel, and today I am choosing happiness.
Moshi mo jibun kara hanareru hodo baka nara, aite kara hanaresaseru yō ni atama o tsukai nasai.
If someone is stupid enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him or her go.
Akirameru koto to wasureyō to suru koto wa chigaimasu.
There is a difference between letting go and pretending you have forgotten.
Toki ni wa anata ga nani o kanjite iru ka o wasure, anata ga nani ni atai suru ka o omoidasanakute wa ikemasen.
Sometimes you must forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.
Watashi ga nozonda no wa, watashi ga anata no subete ni naru koto deshita.
All I ever wanted was to be your everything.
2018-05-24 21:52:37

i like the lego one. im impressed, i didn't think that a lego-break up line would make its way into the list.

2018-05-12 13:08:42


is best!!!

Ray Pope
2018-05-12 01:39:07

Everyone speaks far too quickly!
