
“Kara” is a subordinate conjunction that indicates a reason or cause. When using “kara” in this manner, the reason always *precedes* kara.

“Kara” follows verbs and i-adjectives directly. Na-adjectives and nouns require use of the copula “da”, creating the common compound “dakara”.


  • Verb + kara
  • I-adjective + kara
  • Na-adjective + da + kara
  • Noun + da + kara
Example Sentences:
  • 来年日本へ行くから日本語を勉強しています。
    Rainen Nihon e iku kara Nihongo o benkyō shite imasu.
    I’m studying Japanese because I’m going to Japan next year.
  • 今日は天気がいいから家を出ます。
    Kyō wa tenki ga ii kara ie o demasu.
    Today, because the weather is nice, I’m going out.
More grammar bank entries for “から”:
から (1)
From, Since
から (2)
After having done something, Since
から (3)
So, Because
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Learn about giving reasons

In this lesson, you’ll learn particles and conjunctions used for giving a reason with “de”, “kara” and “node”.

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  • Lesson quiz and review
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