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chat room

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chat room

Postby paulwalth7002 » September 22nd, 2012 4:51 pm

I'd like a chatroom for chatting with other learners. It would make this feel more like a community and would be very useful. If you do implement a chat room - please try to make it compatible with mobile devices like the iPad/iPhone android etc. I am trying to not use my computer as much as possible these days ;).

New in Town
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Joined: August 16th, 2012 4:31 am

Awesome idea

Postby dh4m13l » September 24th, 2012 8:23 pm

Awesome, I'm with you on this one, a chat should be very simple to add by any programmer.

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Re: chat room

Postby team.relationships » November 15th, 2012 3:11 am


Thank you for your idea. Well having a chat is indeed interesting and it is not hard to implement it from technical point of view. However at this moment we probably do not have a proper man power to administer it properly 24h /day.

Having a chat is quite time consuming. For one managing the chat from the users that may misbehave :picket:

But we are always open to more social features and having more interaction with our customers. And always appreciate your feedback on how to make our service even better.

Do you maybe have an idea how proper chat could/should look like?


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Re: chat room

Postby dahaza1127 » March 27th, 2013 11:08 am

paulwalth7002 wrote:I'd like a chatroom for chatting with other learners. It would make this feel more like a community and would be very useful. If you do implement a chat room - please try to make it compatible with mobile devices like the iPad/iPhone android etc. I am trying to not use my computer as much as possible these days ;).

Japan is my dreams land.I would like to study in Japan . I want to learn Japanese by chat. every body , Please,help me

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Re: chat room

Postby community.japanese » March 27th, 2013 12:20 pm

kon'nichiwa! :D
There're some people looking for "Skype study boddy" in some forums.
If you're interested, please brows some forum and, hopefully, you'll enjoy chatting with other listeners :wink:


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