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Anime Transcripts in Japanese

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Anime Transcripts in Japanese

Postby Padraic54 » November 27th, 2009 10:46 am


I'm a Japanese student, not a really good one but I'm really interested in it. I was hoping you guys might know where I could find or help me look for transcripts for some of my favorite anime in Japanese so I could copy over the kanji and hiragana text to a translator and get a direct translation. The subs for the shows aren't exact translations and I've tried to figure out the words being said and then translating that but it's been too difficult for me. I'm good at remembering lines from my favorite movies, many of my favorite shows and movies I can remember at will. It would be nice if I could use that to help my Japanese. My favorite anime are Ruroini Kenshin, Hellsing, Big O, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Cowboy Bebop. I tried finding the transcripts myself but had no luck.

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Postby Taurus » December 1st, 2009 2:52 am

It's probably not the anime you're looking for, but there are transcripts of all of the Ghibli movies here. Just click on the name of the movie, then there should be links to text files containing the transcripts. I'm using it to go through Omoide Poro Poro at the moment, and I've ripped the audio to MP3 so I can listen to it on my ipod.

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Postby rwhurt » December 1st, 2009 3:25 am

How do you rip the video so you can put it on your iPod? That seems like a really great learning tool.

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Postby Taurus » December 1st, 2009 3:33 am

I only ripped the audio, not the whole movie, but I used some software called DVD Audio Extractor. It was just the first thing I found on Google. I didn't buy the full version, but it has a free trial period. If I had enough cause to buy it I would, because it was very simple to use (the only thing that tripped me up was that I didn't specify where to save the mp3s the first time around).

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Postby Javizy » December 1st, 2009 12:36 pm

Do you like Death Note? The anime follows the manga pretty much word-for-word, so it's a much more interesting way to prepare yourself for the listening. There are probably many others like this. Reading transcripts will be much more boring and difficult. If you're going to commit that much time to reading, you should probably get a book or something, since it'll prepare you better for the higher level JLPT reading sections.

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Postby Taurus » December 2nd, 2009 2:32 am

Yeah, I think reading transcripts is a bad idea - I just use the transcripts to make flashcards to help me understand the movie, and then use the process of understanding the movie to help me understand Japanese in general.

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Postby mangara99 » December 2nd, 2009 11:08 pm

As Javizy said with Death note, many anime transcripts are exactly the same dialogues from the manga versions (e.g. Rurouni Kenshin, in some parts it seems like the manga dialogues were copied word by word in the anime) , so you should try reading the manga first and then watching the TV show, it helps a lot!

This site has the transcript for the Gundam 00 and Tales of the Abyss anime:
It's entirely in japanese so if you're not good enoguh at it yet, you might feel a bit lost at first.

I also extract the audio from the series and listen to them, and recently I started writing the dialogues, but right now I only have the one for Karekano and some Drama CDs transcripts. Sorry to say this, but Ithink the series you're looking for are really hard ones to find, they're very very long so I don't think someone would take the time to transcript them :(.

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Re: Transcripts

Postby Padraic54 » December 15th, 2009 4:15 pm

Taurus wrote:It's probably not the anime you're looking for, but there are transcripts of all of the Ghibli movies here. Just click on the name of the movie, then there should be links to text files containing the transcripts. I'm using it to go through Omoide Poro Poro at the moment, and I've ripped the audio to MP3 so I can listen to it on my ipod.

I'll check them out, thanks. Never heard of ghibli movies before.
Javizy wrote:Do you like Death Note? The anime follows the manga pretty much word-for-word, so it's a much more interesting way to prepare yourself for the listening. There are probably many others like this. Reading transcripts will be much more boring and difficult. If you're going to commit that much time to reading, you should probably get a book or something, since it'll prepare you better for the higher level JLPT reading sections.

I don't want to read Japanese, I just want to speak it. So I pretty much just want stuff I can copy paste into a translator.

Taurus wrote:Yeah, I think reading transcripts is a bad idea - I just use the transcripts to make flashcards to help me understand the movie, and then use the process of understanding the movie to help me understand Japanese in general.

That pretty much is what I'm doing. I'm going to be reading the translation (kanji to hiragana equivalent) along with the movie so I'll remember it.
mangara99 wrote:As Javizy said with Death note, many anime transcripts are exactly the same dialogues from the manga versions (e.g. Rurouni Kenshin, in some parts it seems like the manga dialogues were copied word by word in the anime) , so you should try reading the manga first and then watching the TV show, it helps a lot!

This site has the transcript for the Gundam 00 and Tales of the Abyss anime:
It's entirely in japanese so if you're not good enoguh at it yet, you might feel a bit lost at first.

I also extract the audio from the series and listen to them, and recently I started writing the dialogues, but right now I only have the one for Karekano and some Drama CDs transcripts. Sorry to say this, but Ithink the series you're looking for are really hard ones to find, they're very very long so I don't think someone would take the time to transcript them :(.

I don't think I'll be able to read manga for a long time, I only know about twenty kanji. I wouldn't exactly be reading the transcript I'd be reading the translation. I've never gotten into gundam but it looked interesting so I'll check it out when I get around to it and use the link, thanks. I think I'm gonna start out with an anime I'm more familiar with though, I think it would be too difficult to start off on something new.

Thanks guys, I appreciate the help. I don't suppose you guys have any links to major Japanese anime fan forums do you? I tried to find some but I really suck at it and kept running into regular Japanese websites, not forums.

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