Postby RebelDogg » July 5th, 2009 12:33 am
I haven't had time to read through all of the posts, so sorry if this is redundant. I'm just taking a study break and thought I would post my methods here.
For vocab, I use the old paper flashcards method. I put the kana or kanji on one side (only just starting with the kanji) and the translations on the other side. I have words and also example or useful phrases. The phrases are good because you get a feel for the usage of a word and not just a definition. Also, say everything ALOUD. Don't just read in your mind. Seriously. Also, Jpods audio flashcards are great. I like hearing the word rather than just reading it.
The use of kana/kanji ONLY is a good way to learn to read faster. So if you've only just memorized your kana, this is really helpful. Just don't get lazy. Read the whole word even if you know which word you're reading.
For kana practice, I had a method that worked great for me. I'm eventually going to write a program to make this easier. For Hiragana, I would take it one row at a time. (AIUEO, KaKiKuKeKo, etc...) And write them each several times. Then I would write across a line or two A O U I E A I E, etc... Just random sounds. Ka Se Shi Me Tsu Ko He, etc... and try to write the corresponding kana under it as fast as I could.
When I moved to Katakana, I wrote the Hiragana instead of the romajii then placed the correct katakana under it. I was able to get all the kana memorized easily and quickly. Now reading and writing kana for me is almost as easy as english.
I want to create a program that will spit out a string of random romaji/kana (with a toggle) and leave space to write the answers. Don't know when/if I'll ever get around to it.
As far as grammer, listening to movies, jpod101, and trying to read whatever I can get my hands on works better for me than trying to memorize rules from a grammer book. But I do keep one as a reference.
Can't post much on my Kanji study methods as I've just started tonight.
I also study in sections. Vocabulary, reading/writing, grammer, Jpod. And I mix it up so as not to get burnt on one thing.
Anyway, that's what I've been doing and it works for me. I'd like to read back through these posts to see if I can pull some good ideas!