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Japanese Business Offices/Buildings...mail delivery?

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Japanese Business Offices/Buildings...mail delivery?

Postby Hikaritennyo » July 15th, 2010 7:37 pm

Just a rather random question...

I know the office layout is different from Western style cubicle farms, but what about the rest of the building? Do large office buildings have mailrooms, or does the mailman deliver to each office? Does someone from the mailroom distribute/pick up mail or does the underling have to get it every day?

But then, it's been a while since I've spent time in a cubicle farm myself, and I'm not sure how it's done normally anymore!

Also, how do other places deal with mail:
Schools, etc. I'm used to a mail room or area with either locked or open cubby holes for individual teacher's mail.
Apartments seem to use similar methods wherever you are.
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