Hi Cheesecake,
Hmm...difficult question. I'm not sure which -ism I experienced, be it racism or sexism..you be the judge.
I work for an American company with an office in Japan. I've wanted to work with our Japanese office, so I learned to speak and read a bit of Japanese. I corresponded with members of the office in Japanese and English..everything is fine, ne?
Until I met them in person. The manager is a woman, she was nice to my face, however she apparently "didn't like the way I looked", it's not as if I'm a three headed lobster woman, I'm tallish, blonde, software nerdy type. So my chances of working with the Japanese office is officially shot down as long as she's in charge. (I think the male visitors paid a little too much attention to me, I have a buddy in the Japanese office who filled me in later on the snub...). So just don't go into this with rose colored glasses and you should be fine. Sure, I could pursue this, as it is an American company and her boss is in the US, however I don't want to work for a petty twit.
So, maybe this boils down to good old fashioned female jealousy..I don't know. However my "first contact" with a Japanese company has not been positive....and this is an American company for crying out loud. I can only imagine what it would be like if it was a Japanese company. I think I will use my Japanese as a translator in the US instead. We have several Japanese manufacturing plants who are always looking for translators.