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JET interview D8

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JET interview D8

Postby binz » February 4th, 2010 2:34 am

I have my JET interview in less than I week, and have started preparing for it. I've been googling pretty extensively, watching videos on youtube etc, trying to be ready for every question that could come up. And I was wondering if you guys knew any good sites for the following:

Current/recent newsstories in Japan? (Like, what's happening there at the moment. I know they had a pretty radical change in government recently, but thats about it.)

Maybe a site specifically about JET interview, or your personal experience (I have found a few of these through google, but I am looking specifically for any difficult/trick questions they might sneak in there)

And finally something about grammar...I know there will be a grammar related question at the end...I really don't want to get caught out here. I mean I know English obviously, but I will have to define things I take for granted :lol: and I want to be ready for that,

Thanks in Advance.

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Re: JET interview D8

Postby Taurus » February 4th, 2010 7:00 am

binz wrote:Current/recent newsstories in Japan? (Like, what's happening there at the moment. I know they had a pretty radical change in government recently, but thats about it.)

I think all of the major Japanese newspapers have English-language news on their websites (eg. here).

Maybe a site specifically about JET interview, or your personal experience (I have found a few of these through google, but I am looking specifically for any difficult/trick questions they might sneak in there)

I would really focus on the simple questions (eg. Why Japan? Why teaching? Why JET?)rather than the trick questions. The trick questions are, by their nature, intended to force you to think on your feet, and so they're difficult to prepare for. Just be prepared for that and keep a cool head at the interview - the same as you would in any interview.

I say that because in preparation for my interview I spent all my time thinking about the difficult questions, so when they only asked simple questions it sort of threw me - because I realised I hadn't prepared very good answers.

And finally something about grammar...I know there will be a grammar related question at the end...I really don't want to get caught out here. I mean I know English obviously, but I will have to define things I take for granted :lol: and I want to be ready for that,

I didn't get asked anything about grammar. Some candidates have to take a written grammar test. Again, I wouldn't worry too much about it beyond making sure you have a grasp on the basics. If you want to make sure you've got a grip on the basics, (eg. the different tenses etc.) you could try here.

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Postby ehimevicky » February 4th, 2010 7:19 am

Where are you having your interview? I think some countries seem to have more difficult interviews than others.
I agree with Taurus though, make sure you've got solid answers to the simple questions with reasons deeper than 'I like anime'.
In my interview the question that caught me by surprise was 'what would you do if you were in the middle of the countryside and hadn't managed to make any friends and were getting very home sick'. I also got asked if I was to bring my students to England what 3 places would I take them and why.
Besides that make sure you look through your application very thoroughly, anything that makes you stick out you'll almost definitely get asked questions about. In my case it was my experience as an exchange student and my involvement in Judo.
I have a friend who wrote about his love for Japanese art but then couldn't give much information about it at the interview which looked very bad.

So my advise is basically learn a little about current Japan events, make sure you know your application and everything you mentioned in your application inside out and just take your time and answer surprise questions as calmly as possible. And remember, enthusiasm is the greatest asset in any interview.

I hope that helps

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Postby Jessi » February 4th, 2010 7:27 am

Good luck with your interview! Everyone else has already given really good advice, so I'd just like to recommend Japan Today as a great resource for English-language news on Japan. :)
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Postby binz » February 5th, 2010 5:37 am

Thanks for the replies guys! :D Very helpful. I will be interviewing in Dublin. Fingers crossed! :D

EDIT: The english editions are good for very current news, but do any of you know of anything that has been recently, kinda bigger picture stuff, like the change in government?

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Postby Taurus » February 5th, 2010 6:04 am

binz wrote:Thanks for the replies guys! :D Very helpful. I will be interviewing in Dublin. Fingers crossed! :D

That's where I interviewed.

EDIT: The english editions are good for very current news, but do any of you know of anything that has been recently, kinda bigger picture stuff, like the change in government?

Maybe try this wikipedia page and follow any interesting links?

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Postby binz » February 5th, 2010 6:30 am

Oh really? :D Where did they place you? I hear a lot of people tend to end up in Shimane (especially from Ireland) but that's a bit rural for me lol.

Regarding my query, I meant other stuff that's happening, apart from the government stuff. Like I just read that a pretty controversial Yokozuna just retired, and of course the whole Toyota thing. Stuff like that, just general happenings over the last few weeks.

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Postby Taurus » February 5th, 2010 6:46 am

Yeah, there seems to be a load of Irish JETs in Shimane - presumably because of the Lafcadio Hearn connection...

As for stuff like the Yokozuna/Toyota etc., I think your best bet is still websites like Japan Today or the daily Japanese newspapers as mentioned above. The BBC and The Guardian also have half-decent coverage of Japan.

For what it's worth, they didn't ask me anything about current events in my interview - but I don't know whether they asked any of the other candidates.

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Postby binz » February 5th, 2010 7:00 am

What did they ask you? Any doozies? Did they ask you to give a five minute demonstration lesson?

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