eperez142 wrote:So what happened to Yoshi?
He's currently involved in arranging the marriage of a feuding pair of families. One is the Yashida yakuza family, whose lovely daughter, Yashida Mizuko, has sadly fled the country to follow her true love, a brash young Irish lad whose name we only know as O'Callahan. Meanwhile, the other potential member of this matrimonial debacle is Namatame Shinichiro (Shichi to his friends) whose father, Namatame Oyabun, is rumored to be the head of the last true shinobi clan in Japan. The wedding, needless to say, is greatly desired by both families, but although Shichi is willing, he, too, has a secret life which he is unwilling to give up for marriage - he is a host at a local host bar. This melange of personalities (including Shichi's mother, who is all too ready to call blood feud upon the Yashida family for the "brazen behavior of that どやパン") is, of course, keeping our beloved diplomat Yoshi busy as a beaver during the rainy season, so he's taken a leave of absence from JapanesePod101. Let's all wish him luck in his worthy endeavor! がんばってください、よしさま!