Indeed, it seems the best way is to listen to them all, in fact I have gone back a bit into the late 40s to make notes and get all the vocab. I am also downloading some of the reposted podcasts that contain the vocab and notes, and have been slimmed down in file size. The whole of JP101 is eating up quite a chunk of my MacBook Pro HD!
I have a Japanese friend who I play tennis with. She is curious to speak Japanese with me after I told her about my learning on JP101. I am trying my best to get a decent conversation in my head so I can practice with her.
BTW, I have also got some other resources that may be interesting to you. I first got the Pimsleur "Quick & Simple Japanese for English Speakers" from (if you like audiobooks or ever thought of giving them a try this is a great place to go). I thought this was a good listen, it certainly can get you from absoluely zero to something in no time at all.
I also have "Learn in your car - Japanese" levels 1-3 by Henry Raymond. This is pretty much vocab and phrases and gets pretty advanced even in level 1 - can be useful but not as well done as the Pimsleur audiobook.
Anyway, you can find these at along with other JP literature including Memoirs et al. BTW, the narration on this book is stunning!