Regarding your last post, I think you are right !
I wouldn't naturally have had asked myself about the reasons why my mother tongue is constructed as such if no foreigner ver asked me some specific questions about some vocabulary or obscure grammar points.
I am also always surprised that sometimes I feel like some foreigners would know much more about my own country's history or culture than myself !
This reminds me of the former French president Jacques Chirac who was extremely fond of Japan and everything about it. It seems that he was feared by some Japanese politicians because he would throw around a bunch of very precise or culture-related questions that no one would be able to answer at once without the help of Wikipedia
It appears to me that the Korean language is very similar to the Japanese one when it comes to grammar. As for Chinese characters, well, we know the music.
What also surprised me is that it seems German is closer to your language than one would think.
There's also some English words that might actually come from Japanese, I just noticed ...
For instance, I believe rickshaw stems from 人力車 (jin-rikisha) or simply 力車!Funnily enough, リキシャ is in Katakana ^^
In my sense, the Japanese language is heavily focused on politeness and on self-blaming. I mean, for example, that in many cases the Kanji in some words are very explicit:
ありがとう = 有難う = thanks, thank you
有: to have 難: difficult
So, thank you would mean that you troubled someone (so you are grateful)
Another example:
怪我(けが)= wound
In Chinese, this would be translated as: This is my fault.
Some if someone is hurt, it would be his fault? Well, I don't know ...
There are many other expressions or words, I am sure, that have some similar "ideology" behind them.
That being said, learning a foreign language is not easy at all, it is indeed very difficult. It depends on so many factors, and I believe that motivation and methodology are some of the most crucial elements.
When something doesn't work or could be improved, just change it ! I think it is good to sometimes create different routines, otherwise one would get bored or the brain would burn-out. It could be compared with a sport, maybe ^^
I sincerely hope that you will be able to be fluent in the languages you like !
And also, also also, thank you again so much for your time and consideration. This is so huge !
It also reminds me of Natsuko Sensei who is also very dedicated and helpful =)