Postby ec2953 » February 8th, 2015 5:33 pm
JLPT 3 (Kanzen Master - Grammar の Vocabulary 2)
Hello guys, here is the following vocabulary list that I made from the grammar book. I hope this can be helpful ! I'll try to keep mowing them down until I finish the book ! It is very time consuming but I think this is necessary when we are reading a new book ^^
Page 22 to 25
10) 〜くらいだ ・ 〜ぐらいだ / 〜くらい ・ ぐらい / ほど ・ ほどだ
腕(うで):arm, ability, talent
折れる(おれる):to break, to snap, to fracture
細い(ほそい): thin, slender, fine
腕は折れそうなくらい細い :the wrist is so thin to the extent that it seems broken
天気予報(てんきよほう):weather forecast, weather report
によると:according to (someone)
吹く(ふく):to blow (wind), to play a wind instrument, to whistle / to burst into laughter
さす:(here) to pierce, to stag
かさをさす:to pierce an umbrella
雨が降ってる(ふってる):it’s raining
突然(とつぜん):abrupt, sudden, unexpected, all at once
痛み(いたみ):pain, ache, soreness, grief, distress
背中(せなか):back (of body)
本棚(ほんだな):bookshelves, bookshelf, bookcase
倒れる(たおれる):to fall, to collapse, to drop / to go bankrupt, to be ruined / to fall (governments, dictators)
揺れる(ゆれる):to shake, to sway
激しく揺れる: to shake violently
例える(たとえる):to speak comparatively, to illustrate, to use a simile
例えて言うと: figuratively speaking, metaphorically speaking, so to speak, to use a figure of speech
11) 〜 くらい。。。はない 〜ぐらい。。。はない 〜ほど。。。はない
動物好きな人(どうぶつずき):love of animals, animal loving
いやなもの:unpleasant, detestable thing
テストほど嫌な者はない:there’s nothing as disagreeable as tests
不安(ふあん): anxiety, uneasiness, insecurity, suspense
不安になる(ふあん):to become insecure
事実(じじつ):fact, truth, reality
主観的に言うときに使う:used when expressing (something subjective)
12) 〜 くらいなら 〜ぐらいなら
毎朝(まいあさ):every morning
弁当(べんとう):bento, Japanese lunch box
気が合う(きがあう):to get along (with someone)
生活する(せいかつする):to live
一緒に生活する :to live together
このまま:as (it) is
独身(どくしん):bachelorhood, single, unmarried, celibate
説明会に行く(せつめいかい):information session, briefing, explanatory meeting
参加する(さんか):to participate
我慢する(がまん):to endure, to persevere, to control oneself
体型(たいけい):figure, body shape, build, physique
〜のまま: as one likes (as it is)
体型のまま:current body shape (?)
構う(かまう): to mind, to care about, to be concerned about / to look after
調べる(しらべる):to examine, to investigate, to check up, to sense, to study, to inquire, to search
13) 〜 に限る(かぎる)
に限る:nothing better than
映画館(えいがかん):movie theatre, cinema
流行っている(はやっている):to be popular
流行る(はやる):to be popular, to come into fashion / to be prevalent, to spread widely (eg. disease), to be endemic
写真を撮る(しゃしんをとる): to take a snapshot, to take a picture
14) 〜に対して
に対して:towards, against, regarding, in contrast with
大雨(おおあめ):heavy rain
うちの課(か):our class
外遊び(そとあそび):playing outside
長男(ちょうなん):eldest son (may be the only son), first-born son
次男(じなん):second son
と対比的に(たいひてき):contrastive, contrasting, contradistinctive
はっきり : clearly, plainly , distinctly / to be clear, to be definite, to be certain, to be exact, to become clear, to clear up
15) 〜反面(はんめん)
反面: on the other hand, opposite side, reverse
都会(とかい):city, Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly
不便(ふべん):inconvenience , inexpediency, unhandiness
辞める(やめる):to resign, to retire, to quit, to leave (one’s job)
仕事を辞める :to quit a job
一人旅(ひとりたび):travelling alone, solitary journey
気楽な(きらく):carefree, comfortable, at ease / easy-going, happy-go lucky
何でも(なんでも):any, whatever one likes, by all means, anything, everything
緊張感(きんちょうかん):feeling of tension, air of tension, tension, nervousness
逆に。。。の面もある(めん):but on the other hand, conversely there is also
両面(りょうめん):both sides, two sides, double-sided
あること:something that is
あることの対比的な両面を言うときに使う:used to present both sides of a proposition
16) 〜一方(で)
一方: one way, the other way, / on the one hand, on the other hand / whereas, although but at the same time, meanwhile, in turn
自分の意見(じぶんのいけん):one’s own point of view
教授(きょうじゅ):professor, teaching, instruction
研究(けんきゅう):study, research, investigation
取り組む(とりくむ):to tackle, tp wrestle with, to engage in a bout, to strive for, to deal with
しっかり:tightly (holding on), firmly, securely / strongly, solidly, steadily / properly, well, sufficiently / reliably, dependably, shrewdly, wisely, cleverly
学生の世話 : looking after students
責任(せきにん):duty, responsibility, (inc. supervision of staff)
重い責任:heavy responsibility
世の中(よのなか):society, the world, the times
苦手(にがて): poor (at), weak (in), not very good (at)
同時に、別の面で:but at the same time, on the other hand
17) 〜というより
競争(きょうそう):competition, contest
相手(あいて):companion, partner, company / other party, addressee / opponent ( sports)
比較(ひかく): comparison
比較する:to compare
取り上げる(とりあげる): to pick up, to take up / to adopt, to feature, to accept, to listen to / to take away, to confiscate, to deprive, to disquilify
適切な(てきせつ):pertinent, appropriate, adequate, relevance
18) 〜かわりに
にかわり:instead of, replacing
かわりに:instead of, in exchange for, to make up for
フリー:free / freelance
実行力(じっこうりょく):ability to get things done
深い(ふかい):deep, profound, dense, thick, close (relationship), intense, strong, late
正月(しょうがつ): New Year, New Year’s Day, the first month, January
いつもように:like always
ふるさと : home town, birthplace, native place, one’s old home
海外旅行(かいがいりょこう):vacation abroad
通常(たうじょう): common, general, normal, usual
通常している(つうじょう):to be doing something as one would usually do
通常する(つうじょう): to do something as one would usually do
Last edited by ec2953 on February 9th, 2015 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.