Hello everyone! n.nI have recently took up the challenge to learn Japanese just this last Tuesday and I have been studying about 6 hours or more a day I have Hiragana memorized about 90% of the Hiragana still have some issues with U, KO, RI, and WA for what ever reason but I'll be continuing to refresh my memory with practice. I have since moved onto Katakana which oddly has been causing me to slack off and become lazy.
At any rate, I am very motivated to learn Japanese one step at a time, still just learning the Hiragana and Katakana until I have every one of them memorized without having to look off a sheet or the internet to get the answers.
Unfortunately my friend who speaks Japanese a little is not at all motivated in learning it anymore so I have come to conclusion that I need a Study Buddy or just a Study Group, preferably a Skype one. If you are interested please leave a comment below or if you would like to just leave your lovable support to a fellow Learner/Admirer of Japanese go ahead xD
(I do about 4 sections a day studying them over and over until I can mentally picture each sign while all together)
(Then when I know them all I put them all together an practice Daily)
http://www.realkana.com/practice/Once finished I'll be moving onto 2000 of the Basic Kanji and go on from there hopefully.