Hi. I'm really enjoying the website and I'm trying to make use of all the features available.
The one thing that I use everyday are the flashcards, and through the months I've added vocabulary from the different sources that I'm learning. Absolute begginer series, textbooks, shows, etc.
So far I've reached almost 900 words, and though there's a lot of apps to create flashcards, I really don't see the need to switch, since the one in the website works properly. Even so, I've started to find some limitations in the flashcard system (no grammar flashcards for example), and I would like to make my own flashcards using other apps. I would really like to make them using the decks that I've already practice with everyday.
Is there a way to get a list of all the vocab in my decks? Ideally to export?
I've noticed there's this function for the Word Bank... but I haven't figure how to put the vocab into the word bank either.