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Lesson numbering Newbie season mistake?

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Lesson numbering Newbie season mistake?

Postby PeterNL070 » July 3rd, 2014 11:39 am

When i see Newbie lesson season 1 lesson 8 for example i notice that the PDF have L8 in the name but the MP3 have L9? and i noticed PDF from lesson 27 has L27 but the MP3 has L30?? why is that?

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Re: Lesson numbering Newbie season mistake?

Postby lauralanda » July 7th, 2014 8:15 am

Hello PeterNL070,

Thank you for posting!
We appreciate your feedback.
Even if the numbers are different, the content is correct. But please, send us an email to:
Explaining the issue, so that we can fix it soon :D
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Kind regards,

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