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Windows Phone Wordpower?

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Windows Phone Wordpower?

Postby creativityiswealth5117 » April 22nd, 2014 2:43 am

Your recent news post says that your WordPower Japanese app is available for Windows Phone 8 now. O can't seem to find it. Not via my phone , nor Can you please confirm availability and,if possible, the name used for publisher/developer?

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Re: Windows Phone Wordpower?

Postby ofeliadgrd » April 22nd, 2014 7:11 am

Hi creativityiswealth5117,

Thank you for your message.
Could you check this page? ... 83271c1f2c

If you can't solve the problem,could you kindly write to us at and we will investigate your case.
Please include your username and your device and a description of the problem.

Thank you,

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