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How can someone check my translation?

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How can someone check my translation?

Postby wiseroks2651 » December 16th, 2013 11:36 pm

Is there any way I can have person check my translation to these sentences?
I want to go to a graduate school. I hope I can receive a scholarship.
大学院に行きたいんです。しょうがくきん (奨学金)をもらうといいんですが。
奨学金をもらえるといいんですが。(because it has can which would make the verb into a potential verb right? :shock:
There is an exam tomorrow morning. I hope that I do not oversleep.
明日の朝 試験があるんです。あさねぼうしないといいんですが。
If I was a Japanese person, I would not need to study Japanese so much.  

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Re: How can someone check my translation?

Postby community.japanese » December 19th, 2013 2:07 pm

こんにちは。 :D
I wasn't sure what exactly your question or request was, so I'll stick to the first matter
("I want to go to a graduate school. I hope I can receive a scholarship" part)

wiseroks2651 wrote:奨学金をもらえるといいんですが。(because it has can which would make the verb into a potential verb right? :shock:

This is much better :wink:

For any further questions, please let us know.

Natsuko (奈津子),

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