I know Audio Hijack won't do it. I'm not sure about Garageband; I could never figure it out! But Garageband seems more about recording and sequencing than editing.
Audacity is a free audio editor
open your audio track in audacity.
File... Open...
Select All
Effect... Change Speed...
Try 50% to slow down by half.
This will change the pitch. radically. If the speed is good (test using the play controls at the top of the window.) you can then try to put some of the pitch back in.
Effect... Change Pitch...
Try 100% as a starter.
I think you'll need some trial and error to get a speed and pitch combination. Once you do it'll be easy enough to process your files. But the sound will never be as clear as the original.
Then Export As...
(I suggest mp3 as being small and universal) don't overwrite your original file.
There are filters available that can change speed and keep a natural pitch but any I've seen are fairly expensive.
You should be able to something similar in any waveform audio editor. or a video editor like Final Cut Express or Premier (on PC)