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[Solved] !!! Loss of user data !!!

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[Solved] !!! Loss of user data !!!

Postby dominicashmole1350 » December 13th, 2012 6:25 pm

Hi there,

There is a separate thread (Flashcards - the revenge) in which multiple users are reporting that their Flashcard history and contents has been lost. If this is a permanent loss, then hours/days/weeks of effort of multiple users is at risk, which would be a catastrophic failure of a system such as this.

So far, no comment has been made by JPod Technical Support.

I now find that My Wordbank has also lost data. I have spent many hours recently using this feature for quite specific purposes associated with my learning and my employment. I now find that there is no trace of that work in the system.

There really needs to be some kind of official response from Jpod, please. For a paid service, this kind of behaviour seems completely unacceptable - and the potential damage to Jpod's reputation is lamentable, given how much else is good (great, even) about what is provided here.

I can't think of examples in other web-based services that I use (even free-to-use ones) in which unscheduled downtime and then erratic data loss (permanent? I don't yet know) occur in this way. It's shocking.

What's going on?!!

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Re: !!! Loss of user data !!!

Postby chris666 » December 13th, 2012 6:48 pm

After this disaster I expect a video with Peter formally apologizing in traditional Japanese way for the incredible bad service.

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Re: !!! Loss of user data !!!

Postby Jessi » December 14th, 2012 8:39 am

Hello everyone,
Here is the response that was posted in the flashcards thread.

We sincerely apologize for the recent issues with our flashcards. It started out with some regular maintenance work on the database, but there were unforeseen problems that led to it taking longer than it should have. The temporary "loss" of data was due to the decks being disconnected from ther users in the process - please be assured that there is no loss of actual data. They are now restored, but if anyone is still missing their decks, please let us know, and we will fix them right away. We apologize again for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.
As a thank you for speaking up, please email us at for a free download from our Innovative Language Product Store.

Thank you again,

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Joined: April 4th, 2012 7:26 pm

Re: !!! Loss of user data !!!

Postby dominicashmole1350 » December 14th, 2012 12:24 pm

Hi Jessi,

Thank you for being in touch on these issues. Please be aware, though, that for me, at least, the problem is just as it was 12 hours ago.

Neither My Flashcards nor My Wordbank are showing the appropriate state.



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