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Accessing core word list on firefox

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Accessing core word list on firefox

Postby georgestanley2723 » August 28th, 2011 8:15 am

Hey when I try to access the core word lists, firefox just gets stuck in an endless loop of loading then refreshing on the 'click here if your browser does not automatically deliver you..' page. Even if you click that link it just continues to refresh. It works fine on ie but then who wants to use ie? Is there any trick for getting it to load smoothly?

Jessi Team Member
Posts: 822
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Postby Jessi » August 30th, 2011 12:41 am

Hi georgestanley,
Thank you for posting!
You are not able to load the lists at all, is that correct? ... ?coreX=100
Could you please let me know what version of Firefox and also what OS you are using?

Thank you!
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