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Beginner Lesson 94 - Transcript (Resolved)

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Beginner Lesson 94 - Transcript (Resolved)

Postby Alan » July 11th, 2006 8:03 pm

Edit: After second thoughts, I think there are only two errors:
1. Missing 'kami' in romaji transcript
2. 'kono' instead of 'sono' in romaji transcript.

Sorry, if you read this, before I added this correction.

---original post---
Some errors have been progressively introduced when converting from the kanji into kana and then romaji in the Learning Centre Transcript. I think the Lesson Notes may be similarly effected. So far I've only checked the first line of the dialogue.

First line of dialogue as read and correct in the kanji transcript:

First line of dialogue (incorrect) in the kana transcript:

My corrected version (minna-san & tsukuri):
Edit: Actually looks like mina-san is correct. I still think tsukuri looks wrong. Unless tsu changes to zu for euphonical reasons? But I thought that only happened when you joined nouns together. ...Ok I now see that it happens with verbs also, so zukuri is also Ok.

First line of dialogue (incorrect) in the romaji transcript:
mina-san, kyō wa issho ni hikōki zukuri o yarimashō.

My corrected version (minna-san, kami & tsukuri):
minna-san, kyō wa issho ni kami hikōki tsukuri o yarimashō.
Edit: I now see mina-san & zukuri are Ok. 'kami' is definitely missing though.


Edit: There's also an error in about the fourth line of the romaji transcript. Transcript reads 'kono kami', but audio, kanji & kana have 'sono kami'

Edit2: Second thoughts about some of the above.
Last edited by Alan on July 12th, 2006 7:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

Jonas Team Member
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Postby Jonas » July 12th, 2006 2:06 am

Alan-san: Thank you for your report. From time to time, even though it should not happen, stuff like this slips through proofreading. We are very grateful for listeners who pick up on these mistakes, and report them to us. The errors you reported has been fixed in the learningcenter, and updated PDFs will be uploaded momentarily.

Thank you again for helping us out!

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Postby Alan » July 12th, 2006 7:00 am

My pleasure. I few errors can't be helped when you're producing so much content in such a short space of time. As the lessons have become harder, the extra content in the learning centre is becoming very useful.

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