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Auto Deleting On iTunes

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Auto Deleting On iTunes

Postby maxiewawa » December 11th, 2007 10:03 am

I'm downloading podcasts through iTunes an subscription. I want to keep certain podcasts on my iPod but can't work out how to do it. Ideally, I'd be able to move mp3s from the "podcast" section to the "music" section, but I can't do it! Is it possible?

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Postby Harv » December 11th, 2007 5:33 pm

In itunes click on your ipod under 'devices' on the left of the screen. When you're in there click on the podcasts tab, and then next to the sync tickbox select 'all' instead of 'most recent' or whatever is there.
After you have done this all the podcasts that have a tick next to them in the podcasts section of itunes will be put on your ipod.

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