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itunes feeds

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itunes feeds

Postby kraemder123_502787 » November 23rd, 2014 9:04 pm

I think your itunes help section is outdated. Apple changed the look of iTunes so it's different.

I've always hated iTunes but what can I do. I have no choice. Unfortunately, I dislike it because I can't figure anything out without wasting large amounts of time.

So I want to use it to subscribe to the upper intermediate feeds and download all the episodes for a season. However, when I go into iTunes, it's a big mess. All of your content is listed at once and it's sorted by DATE. So it's pretty much impossible to find a particular season and download it without wasting huge amounts of time.

I am bad at iTunes so I could very well be missing something that makes this a lot easier. Which is why I'm posting here. I hope you have some advice.

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Re: itunes feeds

Postby kraemder123_502787 » November 23rd, 2014 9:28 pm

I found the myfeed option and also how to download all episodes in itunes.. I think I'm good. btw, may want to mention the myfeed setting in the itunes premium feed help section. I only found it because I clicked on something else by mistake.

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Re: itunes feeds

Postby kraemder123_502787 » November 25th, 2014 1:10 am

I think the my feed is broken. It's subscribing me to -every- show on the site instead of just the ones I pick.

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Re: itunes feeds

Postby adelholtz_499460 » November 25th, 2014 2:52 pm

I recommend using the Innovative Language App if you have a premium subscription.
Personally i find the feed unuseable and unintuitive.
They App has a good structure and does what its supposed to do. You can download all lessons to your tablet or phone and have everything in one place including pdfs and stuff.

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Re: itunes feeds

Postby lauralanda » November 27th, 2014 8:02 am

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