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Word of the Day Technical Problem

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Word of the Day Technical Problem

Postby jessehuang697739 » November 30th, 2013 4:04 pm

I can't seem to see the "word of the day" email. I add the feature to my account by clicking on "Add" button on the word of the day page. I have also tried to check the "Word of the Day Alerts" button. However, every time I check the button and save. The button refreshes and becomes unchecked. I have waited for weeks and have never received a single email. What is going on?

* I fixed it by typing a different email address then retyping my old email address. Some how this made it work. I'm not going to delete this post just in case someone else has this problem. Because I couldn't find any solutions myself.

* NEVERMIND. Although it says it is checked, I still haven't received any email messages. So, somehow it still doesn't work. Does anyone have a solution?

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Re: Word of the Day Technical Problem

Postby community.japanese » December 10th, 2013 12:30 pm

sorry for the very late reply!!
And sorry for the problems you've been experiencing.
In case you have any problems, you can always contact us at
And someone will get back to you with proper help.
Thank you very much for your patience! :D

Natsuko (奈津子),

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