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How to review more than '15' new cards in flashcards

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How to review more than '15' new cards in flashcards

Postby jonathonh5884 » October 9th, 2013 1:27 pm

How can I increase the limit for reviewing new flashcards?

Currently it seems I can only review 15 at a time, when starting from a new deck.

Is it possible to export flashcards to csv?


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Re: How to review more than '15' new cards in flashcards

Postby paloma_ill » October 22nd, 2013 11:19 pm

Hi jonathonh5884,

Thanks for your patience.
You can change your setting if you click on the edit button for the deck you want to change. There you can find:
"Max Flashcards per Session" and "Max Unstarted Items per Session", so you can customize it the way you prefer.

As for exporting, we don't have this feature on our site yet.


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Re: How to review more than '15' new cards in flashcards

Postby jonathonh5884 » October 24th, 2013 1:56 am

Thanks for the response.

I've set those two fields to their maximum settings (in the drop-down box). I.e., Max Flashcards per Session = 50 and Max Unstarted Items per Session = 15.

However, the deck I'm using has 1500 card; and I can only review 15 at a time. I notice now when coming back though, that I have '24' cards in the session, so I'm not sure how the cards are chosen: perhaps a combination of cards not recently reviewed.
My problem is that a lot of the 'earlier' words I know, and yet I have still to 'review' them to get to the new vocabulary.

If I may, can I please suggest adding a feature which allows you to review ALL cards in the deck: as can be done in the Space-Repetition program Anki?

Further to that, what I'd *really* like is an app that can run on my android phone and directly access these flashcards; without having to run through the somewhat media intensive flashcard system online. I.e. functionality similar to Ankidroid would be ideal). The word lists accompanying the lessons are however, an excellent selection.

I'm otherwise loving the audio; Intermediate Season 2 would be nice :)

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