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Flashcards staying available during the day

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Flashcards staying available during the day

Postby japanesepod1019229 » March 25th, 2013 11:11 am


I have some flashcards in my decks with short times (due to me getting them wrong recently). When I study these and get them right I get some time in the future but still within today (just did one for testing and it said 2.4h under the Ok button. It being 11am I would expect that card to be available again for study in the afternoon. But on completion of the session I get a screen that states "Session complete", "1 Card Due Today", (notice how this is not Due Now...) but the buttons at the bottom of the page say "My Decks" and "Start Session", where I would expect "Review Early"?

With the deck I am looking at right now it's easy to see as there is only 1 card left to learn. But for bigger decks I would think this would become very confusing.


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Re: Flashcards staying available during the day

Postby community.japanese » March 26th, 2013 9:41 am

we're very sorry for confusions and troubles :(
I'll talk to the team to find out better about the situation; someone will get back to you shortly.
Thank you very much for your patience!


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