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basic feed problems

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basic feed problems

Postby giulianoz » June 28th, 2012 6:59 pm

I'm a basic member and I have three questions about the basic feed (itunes 10.something /the latest) on windows 7 64 bit):
* there is a file I can't download (news #96) - size 1kb (?) itunes gives an error 404
* is it normal that I have no new podcasts since june 24th ? (1 file on 24, 3 on 22, 4 on 19, 3 on 18, 3 on 15)
* itunes keep asking me for my username/password each time it starts even if I check the box to remember the login data. Is there something I can do to fix that ? I've seen some posts on apple forums and the common suggestion is to contact the feed provider or to blame windows...

thanks a lot

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Postby jaehwi » June 29th, 2012 7:44 am


Thank you for the comment.

1. Thanks for letting us know. The file was corrupted, so we're working on reuploading the file. It will be fixed soon.
2. The last week of June is our break week to be ready for starting new lessons from July. You'll be able to see new lessons from July 2.
3. As for the iTunes, the issues usually happens when you use Windows iTunes. The best way might be reinstalling the program, so that it cleans the cache saved on the program.


Jae /

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