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How do I get the line by line audio stuff to work on my HTC

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How do I get the line by line audio stuff to work on my HTC

Postby mattinjapan2004 » May 6th, 2011 9:32 am

How do I get the line by line audio stuff to work on my HTC desire smart phone?

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Postby fdoerksen4613 » May 17th, 2011 6:51 pm

Isn't the line-by-line all Flash-based?
Try installing Flash via the Android Marketplace. The web page will be slow and laggy but you might get it working. Good luck.

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Postby Carltonbfc » October 4th, 2011 7:56 am

having the same problem here with the HTC Droid incredible 2 phone. Downloaded flash for the phone..doesn't work for line by line or expansion audio, but it works for the brief
description on the menu for the newbie, beginner, advanced categories. Is'my that flash as well? Hopefully someone has some insight into the flash system here. let me know!

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