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Link directly to individual lines of line by line audio

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Link directly to individual lines of line by line audio

Postby gwedig » September 11th, 2011 7:33 pm

Hi. Is there a way to either link directly to the line-by-line audio and/or download the individual line's mp3's for offline review? I have been using anki to review sentences and vocabulary, and while I can link to the sound files from the WordBank, or download them, which is a huge help, the line by line audio seems to be implemented as Flash rather than html links, so I can't go there directly.

It would help my progress a lot to be able to quickly have the audio play for individual lines without having to go through all the steps to get to the line by line audio from the lesson page.

So is there any way to do that?



Jessi Team Member
Posts: 822
Joined: November 25th, 2007 9:58 am

Postby Jessi » September 13th, 2011 9:03 am

Hi Geoff! Thanks for posting :)
To answer your question, unfortunately there is currently no way to download individual line-by-line files. :( :ue:
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