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How do you set up Japanese language entry support for Win7?

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How do you set up Japanese language entry support for Win7?

Postby Andygakusei » May 2nd, 2010 7:03 pm

Hello everyone,

I am trying to figure out a way to get Japanese language keyboard entry support for Windows 7 Professional. Could anyone help please? For now I am just writing out the characters on a piece of paper and checking against the answers for the Writing Tests (and consequently getting 0% all of the time).

Thanks in advance,


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Postby shgkshmz1222 » May 4th, 2010 9:31 am

Use Microsoft IME.

Here's how
1.Go to control panel and right under Clock, Language and Region section, click change keyboards and other input methods
2.A dialog box will pop up and click change keyboards
3.On the general tab there is an Add button in the Installed Services box. Click it.
4. You will see a list of languages and find Japanese. Click the + button and under Keyboard, there will be a check box saying Microsoft IME. Put a check on it then hit OK. You'll now return to the general tab and hit Apply then OK.
5. Now in your taskbar you should now see the language bar. At default, it should say EN (for English keyboard) . Just click on it and select JP and choose an Input Mode for it (Hiragana, Katakana and so on)

You can now type in Japanese :D

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Postby Andygakusei » May 9th, 2010 6:03 pm

shgkshmz1222 wrote:Use Microsoft IME.

Here's how
1.Go to control panel and right under Clock, Language and Region section, click change keyboards and other input methods
2.A dialog box will pop up and click change keyboards
3.On the general tab there is an Add button in the Installed Services box. Click it.
4. You will see a list of languages and find Japanese. Click the + button and under Keyboard, there will be a check box saying Microsoft IME. Put a check on it then hit OK. You'll now return to the general tab and hit Apply then OK.
5. Now in your taskbar you should now see the language bar. At default, it should say EN (for English keyboard) . Just click on it and select JP and choose an Input Mode for it (Hiragana, Katakana and so on)

You can now type in Japanese :D

Thank you very much for your help. I'm using Japanese IME Pad to enter the characters for the Writing test and it is working out pretty well. I'm now looking for some sort of a writing pad/tablet for easier entry of characters but for now I am using a mouse.

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