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Can you make the quiz script a bit larger please?

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Can you make the quiz script a bit larger please?

Postby mikuji » July 4th, 2006 10:17 am


Japanesepod101 のチーム、失礼します。

ちょっと お願いが あるんですが。


...and just in case my Japanese is unclear (could not waste an opportunity to practice!):

I am having problems distinguishing the details of kanji in the quiz questions. Could you make the characters that little bit larger so I can see them clearly?

Thanks you - I hope you can help me on this.



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Postby Belton » July 4th, 2006 12:15 pm

You should be able to do this yourself in your browser.

I use Safari where there are increase and decrease font size buttons in the window bar.
I'm sure other browsers have something similar or a command to do this.

(Thanks for user friendly design)

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Postby LPJAPAN » July 19th, 2006 11:49 pm

Mikuji, I have the same request. A larger font size would be nice.

But in the meantime, I use Firefox for my browser and under view on the menu bar it's possible to change the font size. I guess I'll be doing that for now.

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