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Not getting all the lessons?

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Not getting all the lessons?

Postby YourAverageBoy » December 5th, 2008 5:52 pm

Hi, I began listening to this podcast about 3 years ago but stopped because I wanted to conentrate on Italian. Now I've been in Japanese class for awhile and want to help improve my grammar and vocabulary. So when I went back into itunes to redownload the podcast o.0 I only got a choice to download only ~20 audios >,<. Why is this?

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Joined: April 30th, 2008 6:10 pm

Postby KatH » December 8th, 2008 4:14 am

Do you have a basic or premium account? If not, that's the problem. A couple of weeks ago, they changed their system; the audio for the last 3 weeks can be downloaded as normal by anyone, but after 3 weeks, they get moved up to Basic... so only Basic and Premium subscribers can access the audio for the lessons older than 3 weeks.

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Postby YourAverageBoy » December 8th, 2008 7:54 pm

Oh darn...that sucks.

Oh well I managed to find the mp3s still on my computer from a few years back =] so I guess i'll just use those =/

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