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Downloaded all the material to itunes but cannt sync to ipod

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Downloaded all the material to itunes but cannt sync to ipod

Postby p_gomp » February 6th, 2008 9:38 pm


A stupid question. I am premium customer meaning that I have access to premium feed. I downloaded all the material that was existing although it was not my intension. Now I have the problem I cannot sync these to my ipod, cause the material is 8gb and my ipod 4 gb. Actually I wanted all the premium staff only for the beginners low intermediate and intermediate.

Is there a way to manage to sync automatically only these categories to my ipod.
How can I configure the premium feed to download only some categories.

Thanx in advance


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Postby maxiewawa » February 7th, 2008 2:47 am

I can't think of anything besides deleting it all, then subscribing to only those feeds. That is to say, just starting all over again. Maybe someone else has a better idea though...

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Postby プチクレア » February 7th, 2008 6:22 am

I don't think you can choose what level to download. However, if you want to sync only some of the feed, the least time-consuming way I can think of is :

- open Itunes, go to the podcast section
- select all the podcasts
- import them into a playlist (so that they will show up in your music library as "normal" files and not podcasts. Podcasts can only be accessed through the podcast section)
- manage your play list under alphabetical order. That way the lessons should divide by level, as they are always named "beginner lesson #..."
- select all the lessons you do NOT want to sync and un-check then (on a mac that's ctrl+click and choose "uncheck" in the contextual menu)
- plug in your Ipod, and configure it to sync only checked items

Voilà !

once you've done that, you can either delete the playlist (as it's only a short cut to save you from manually un-checking every podcast, don't delete in the library, though, only the playlist !) or keep it as it is if you'd rather study the lessons by level)

and after that I'd suggest manually unchecking the new podcasts you do not want when you download them...
さっぱり分からない !...

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Postby Taurus » March 19th, 2008 12:21 am

I manually sync my ipod, but I was also hoping for a way of making each different Japanesepod lesson type easy to select - both for transferring it to my ipod, and for selecting from my ipod (while jogging!).

I've just tried this playlist method, but I was hoping not to transfer all of the pdfs across to my ipod. Unfortunately, if I use the method outlined above, all of the pdfs are jumbled up with the mpegs. Is there any easy way of not transferring the pdfs?

I'd be grateful for any help!

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Postby Jason » March 19th, 2008 4:33 am

Use the new My Feed. You can have multiple instances of it in iTunes to separate all the lesson types if you want.
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