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Learn kanji!

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Learn kanji!

Postby aluizaalthoff_505155 » March 30th, 2015 11:50 am

Hi! I really wanna learn kanjis, but it's the most difficult part! :/ i bought the book "remembering the kanji" i think this book helps but the best way to memorize things is in a context, but in the kanji close up, you guys don't teach the stroke order, can't you put the order? Another problem: do i have to know witch readind im memorizing? Ex: the kanji for year (年) you can read ぬん or とし, do i have to know witch one is kun or on reading? Thank you!

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Re: Learn kanji!

Postby adelholtz_499460 » March 31st, 2015 9:54 am


do i have to know witch one is kun or on reading?

Yes you should do that.

What i do is look up the stroke the order in an online as well as an offline(book/dictionary).
I use its german, but there should be some similar english source somewhere out there.
I am also using this:
There is also an IOS version:

I tried the book "Remembering the Kanji" but its not for me.
What i do is:
- learn vocabulary -> take unknown kanji from this words
- look those kanjis up in a dictionary (for stroke order, readins and further examples)
- create a paper Flashcard with the information gathered
- do srs with those Flashcard

What really helps a lot is if you learn the Kanjis with example Words, sentences ect.
Learning Kanjis just for the sake of knowing them is not very benificial and won't really help you to read.

The more Kanjis you know, the easier it becomes to learn new one (at least in my opinion). There will come a point where you dont need to look up stroke orders any more, cause you can tell what a Kanjis stroke order is simply by looking at it.
You will also notice familiar patterns from other Kanjis which will make them easier to remember ect.

I am learning 1-3 Kanjis per day with this method. Its kinda slow but steady but i can "use" the Kanjis i learned like that.

If you really want to use "Heisigs" Methods, i think its best jsut to use as an additional source, but NEVER as the main source for learning Kanji.

Hope this helps a little.


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Re: Learn kanji!

Postby kwecky » April 3rd, 2015 9:58 pm

About the readings, is it a legit strategy to just read furigana, fugure out the kanji meaning, and just memorise the reading you just found to just cut out the lesser used readings now in the beginning? I mean, some of the kanjis have a LOT of them, and a couple of them is usually way eneugh for you to get trough in the beginning. And when would you need to know the difference between ON readings, and KUN readings? As long as you're ware of the readings, you're fine... right?

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Re: Learn kanji!

Postby adelholtz_499460 » April 4th, 2015 11:14 am

About the readings, is it a legit strategy to just read furigana, fugure out the kanji meaning, and just memorise the reading you just found to just cut out the lesser used readings now in the beginning?

You can of course do that. You should however keep in mind, that you probably won't be able to tell(when you are a beginner) if a certain reading is common or uncommon.
I began like this when i started learning Kanji. At a certain point however, i switched to the method mentioned above. The majority of Kanjis have between 2 to 4 readings. Very few have less, some have more readings.
For me it doesnt make a lot of difference if i learn 1 reading or 4.
But i guess you will have to find this out for yourself. It would maybe be worth a try for you to give this method: a chance. Since it may match your expectations and the way you want to learn Kanjis.
You should also take a look at:
Its still beta (and you will have to apply for a beta account) but its pretty good in its own right.

And when would you need to know the difference between ON readings, and KUN readings? As long as you're ware of the readings, you're fine... right?

To be honest:
when you read smth online and you have acces to smth like:

You don't even need to know anything about a kanji. The programs will present you with every information you need.

There are also apps like:
where you can write the kanji and get all the information you need - readings, examples and so on

For me...i find that when i learn all the readings of a Kanji and now what they are (on or kun) i am able to figure out many words i have never read but have heard before or learned when i didn't know the kanjis used for that specific word.

Maybe someone else can write smth about this so you don't have to rely on my answer alone :D

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Re: Learn kanji!

Postby community.japanese » April 16th, 2015 9:16 pm

I can understand kanji is difficult.
We have pages for kanji learning.
Have you visited the page below?
When you click a kanji, you can see the stroke order.

Thank you for sharing your study tips.

Kwecky san,
Regarding on-reading and kun-reading,
When you see compound words, on-reading should be used. 学校 がっこう
When you see kanji+hiragana, kun-reading should be used. 学ぶ なまぶ

Yuki 由紀

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