I am new here and I have noticed that there is no furigana in the line by line audio transcription of the audios and video lessons. I would understand it if there is not furigana for most simple kanjis, but it is insane that you don´t have furigana for the most advanced kanjis (which you don´t have to know). So if you want to follow the dialog by the text transcription, you'll need to master the kanjis at a very high level. I know about 250 kanjis, but at the intermediate level it is impossible for me to read the audio transcription. I know that the vocabulary is avaiable, but if you learn all the kanjis necessary for follow the transcription dialog, you will spend a huge amont of time learning kanjis. I bealive that the kanji learning process would have to be balanced.
So I propose to introduce furigana for the kanjis that you are not suppose to know at certain level, and mantain the rest without furigana. The noken exams could be used to decide which kanjis you are supposed to be know at the different levels.
Even this could be implemented as a new feature, and keep the actual version without furigana at all.
P.S Sorry for my grammar, I am not english native speaker.