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New words on the Go

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New words on the Go

Postby capriccio0009921 » July 9th, 2012 11:12 pm

Ohayou gozaimasu!
I would like to ask if you could have audio lessons that contains commonly used japanese words (for a start) and its translations in english. I would like to enhance my vocabulary but i dont always have the time to seat in a place with internet connection. It would really be nice if we could learn japanese words during the time we travel to work without needing wifi and just putting in the audio file to any mp3 player (so that it could be handy and not to attract any snatchers). please put this feature request into consideration. Arigatou gozaimasu!

Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » July 10th, 2012 3:18 am

Hi capriccio!
Thanks for posting. We already have this feature, it is the MP3 file titled "Review" that comes with all of our regular lessons. It's an audio file that contains the vocabulary from the lesson in Japanese then English (leaving a pause inbetween), and then halfway through it switches from English to Japanese. Please check these out for reviewing vocabulary on the go! :)

Here is where the Review file can be found:
♪ ♪ 好評配信中!
Leave us a message in the forum if you have any comments, questions, or feedback!

New in Town
Posts: 9
Joined: July 1st, 2012 4:00 am

Postby capriccio0009921 » July 10th, 2012 6:43 am

Jessi-san, Kon'nichi wa!
Thank you for answering my question. :D . I would surely use that feature. And may i also know if you have these feature for the 100 core words?

Expert on Something
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Postby team.relationships » July 11th, 2012 3:47 am

Hi capriccio,

please do make sure you use all the features of the website. They can compliment your learning and help you a lot!
As for the 100 Core words, unfortunately they are not in a downloadable form on our website.
If you have some more questions, please let us know!


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