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Hide columns in my word bank

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Hide columns in my word bank

Postby ghbmail6543 » July 5th, 2012 1:09 am

I love the word bank feature, its great for expanding the vocab. I like to review my word bank every day, but I really wish I was able to view which columns to display or hide certain columns. I want to practice reading the kanji and kana but the romanji is too distracting right in the middle of the page between the meaning and the kana so I inevitably have read the word in romanji first which means my brain is not trying to process the kana/kanji. It would be create if I could hide the romaji column for this reason, but I think it would make sense to implement for all columns so I can hide the kana too if I want to practice the kanji only, or hide the kanji for beginners who may find it intimidating.


New in Town
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Joined: July 16th, 2010 10:10 pm

Postby suishouyuki » August 31st, 2012 2:40 am

I agree. I like to browse the site and review without romaji, because when romaji is on the page, my eyes go straight to it rather than on the kana and/or kanji. Because of that, it makes it more difficult for me to review with JPod101 resources! Romaji can be useful for the very beginning, but after one learns the kana romaji needs to be dropped. That is my opinion, anyway. c: So I agree with ghbmail6543; it would be nice if columns in reviews could be toggled on or off, perhaps with a user preference setting (I think there used to be an option to not display romaji, but it didn't work site-wide and has either been removed or made impossible to find). Thank you!

natsukoy9313 Team Member
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Postby natsukoy9313 » September 4th, 2012 5:09 am

Hi, ghbmail6543-san, and suishouyuki-san!!

Thank you very much for feedbacks!! I'll let the team know about your suggestions :D
Please let us know anything like that, so that we can improve our site!
Thank you very much!!


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