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Some ideas with respect to Audio Tracks

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Some ideas with respect to Audio Tracks

Postby robert5153 » October 30th, 2010 2:47 pm

As my first year as a Premium subscriber winds down I have a couple of suggestions for you to consider that would greatly enhance the learning experience I believe. The first has to do with the Review Track. I really wish that for the Upper Intermediate and Advanced levels you would provide definitions of the words *in Japanese* rather than giving English translations. For advanced students It is a much more effective way to learn new vocab.

The second has to do with the Expansion area of the learning center. It is full of all these wonderful vocab examples with recorded English translations. Couldn't they be made into a track and added to the Premium Feed? That's what I end up doing, actually, is scraping all the little mp3's into a track I can play on my iPod: English then Japanese. With the pause button I can try to formulate each sentence in Japanese before hearing it. Ideally, though, the pauses would be built into the track. I have to tell you the Expansion area is the biggest added value for me as a subscriber. I wish you provided something similar for the grammar exercises.

I've decided next year to graduate to the Advanced level, so thanks for providing it!

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