Even when I first stumbled upon it, I was a bit wary just because it resembles the kind of site that offers you a free membership, then tries to sell you on some guide to getting rich and gaining success for "Only 25% the normal price of $200! This proven success guide is yours for only $50!" ...then the guide ends up being a one page set of instructions on how to set up a site like that and sell the same guide to other people

Once you get the home page, the rest of the website rocks and looks great. But I think the fact its free only needs to be mentioned once or twice, and all the bright yellow highlighting needs to go. In my opinion it would look much more legitimate, professional, and less like an internet scam.
By the way, I'm referring to the home page you are currently linked to when you click a link from Jim Breen's website to listen to a complete lesson: http://www.japanesepod101.com/member/si ... ict.php?s=
The newer home page at http://www.japanesepod101.com/member/si ... esign2.php is better, though I would still suggest things like shrinking the font and making the header all one sentence, removing the caps from "free".
Lastly, the tour page: http://www.japanesepod101.com/learn-japanese.php
Its really a great and informative page, but the links in red text with yellow background to "Sign Up For a Free Lifetime Account" only need to appear once or twice, and perhaps not red and yellow.
I'm sorry to nitpick, I would just hate to see anyone not sign up or give the website a chance due to not trusting it. With all the scams out there, most people don't believe that anything is really free anymore. And if a website looks like its selling something but has free spammed all over the place, people may turn away right there. I'm so glad I didn't

Thanks for reading,