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More audio practice please =)

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More audio practice please =)

Postby richandcreamy » February 3rd, 2007 10:25 pm

I have a great idea for those of us that squeeze in lessons while on the go.

It would help a lot if lessons had practice audio. For example it could start with a repeat after me vocabulary session reviewing what's new in the lesson. Then the lesson dialog with spaces for you to practice the conversation. At the end you can have open ended questions to practice what was learned in the lesson, and also examples of possible answers to the questions after a short pause.

I know that's a lot of work, so I would even pay more than the premium fees for this!
I have 8 hours of day where I can listen to audio but I can't be looking at pages or practicing writing =(

Well I'm going to upgrade soon, I just recently printed out 50 lessons so I have to organize that first!.

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Postby Liz21 » February 14th, 2007 7:42 pm

I agree. Of course, it's always possible to do our own "pause" and repeat, but it would be nice to have more opportunities right on the podcast.
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