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Printable writing/review questions.

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Printable writing/review questions.

Postby boku1571 » May 8th, 2012 10:07 am

I'd like to see printable versions of the writing/review questions....

I want to be able to go back and do reviews and testing of each lesson some time after listening to the audio itself, to see how much information I have retained over time and identify things I need to study again.

What I'd *like* to do is print the Lesson Notes and have a binder I can go through as "homework" away from my computer and away from the lesson itself. The Lesson Notes PDF is great for this, but unfortunately, to have printable versions of the writing/review would require a lot of copy/pasting on my part for each lesson.

I realize of course that the printable version could not be easily graded, but it could be brought back to the computer and checked against the website....

Or... even better.... you could sell a professionally printed & bound workbook of all the lesson notes for a series, as well as the review/writing questions. An additional revenue source!

Been Around a Bit
Posts: 24
Joined: February 19th, 2011 12:08 am

Postby boku1571 » May 12th, 2012 11:08 am

As another option for writing/review questions, recording the scores and completed exercises in a "Grade Book" would be even more awesome. Completing the exercises with a good score would be great motivation.

Additionally, there could be a "capstone" exams after so many lessons from each series.

Right now there's little way to gauge progress, and it's easy enough to ignore the exercises when there's nothing to record how you've done on them and no exercises to "bring it all together" from a series.

natsukoy9313 Team Member
Posts: 176
Joined: May 11th, 2012 12:00 pm

Postby natsukoy9313 » May 13th, 2012 7:05 am

that's a good point and I agree that we always need to do excercise and reviews as much as we can.
The site members will discuss this issue soon. Thank you!

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