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Dialog Feature Request

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Dialog Feature Request

Postby JPLemme » February 23rd, 2012 4:10 am


One problem I have with the dialogs is that they're pretty easy to memorize. After the first one or two times listening to a dialog, I know what they're saying and I'm trying to pick out the words that I know are there rather than trying to hear the words in the stream. (I hope that makes sense.) It would be hugely, hugely beneficial if there was a wrap-up dialog for each season which went on for 15-30 minutes and only used words and grammar that was used in that season. Listening to Japanese-language videos on the web is nice, but it requires too much vocabulary and grammar for a beginning student; if I miss something I assume it was a word I didn't know so I just shrug my shoulders and move on. But a long, natural-speed dialogue that contains only things I should understand will make it obvious where my listening comprehension needs work.


Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » February 23rd, 2012 8:12 am

Hi John,
This is a great idea :) I like the idea of a wrap-up dialogue so that students can see what they need to work on. I'll share it with the rest of the content creation team. Thank you!
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