The flashcards are perhaps 80% of where I'd like them to be. Here are some ideas for new features:
1. I find that lesson-based decks are too small; I sometimes remember/recognize words because I remember the lesson dialogue rather than because I would know the word if I saw it out of context. It would be nice to be able to generate a "Newbie Season 2 Deck" so that the word list would be large enough to ensure I actually remember the words cold.
2. I would like to be able to sort the deck's word list by...anything other than the order in which it was added. I added all of the individual NBS02 lessons to a new deck (see point 1), but it's full of duplicates, and without the ability to sort by word it's hard to spot the dupes. A random sort feature would also prevent me from memorizing the order of the cards in short lists.
3. I created a deck out of the 2,000 most common words, and then split that into "Verbs", "Adjectives", "Katakana Nouns", etc. This would have been a lot easier if there was a "Move to Existing Deck" button in addition to the "Copy to Existing Deck" button.
4. It would also be helpful to be able to Copy or Move to NEW Deck button.
5. It would be cool (although possibly not feasible) to get verbs and adjectives randomly presented in forms other than the dictionary form.
I hope these requests for new features are taken under consideration.