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Video Vocab's Audio "Hiccup"

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Video Vocab's Audio "Hiccup"

Postby pilgrimpictures » April 6th, 2011 5:20 am

Please tweak all future Video Vocab for the audio only users...

Video vocab segments are indubitably one of the greatest tools on! Using these video segments on my iPod or iPhone are the best!!

Having said that, please read on...

I don't always have the time to look at the video. Sometimes, when I'm driving, I'll just play the audio. But this is a great way to both review vocabulary AND to test myself on my increasing knowledge. However, a funny thing happens, when I get distracted: I lose my place in the video whilst only using it in an audio capacity. When I've got a whole bunch of new words I'm trying to use, and I lose my place, what ends up happening (after I've refocused my distracted concentration) is something like this...

(Random example from Newbie Lesson S2 #25):

Once. One time.
Onegai shimasu."

Now this is a "bad" example, because I already know that onegai shimasu means. However, as an example to my point, let's pretend I don't.

So when my concentration zones in (again) on the recording, and I'm not looking at the video for a cue, I hear these three words, two Japanese, and one English, all one after another, fairly evenly paced, and I think to myself: "Eh--1? Does Ichido mean 'Once, one time'? or does 'Once, one time' mean 'onegai shimasu'?" I lose track of whether or not I'm to guess the English translation, after hearing the Japanese word, or the Japanese translation, after hearing the English word.

Pretty weak, eh--!? LOL

At any rate, my suggestion, for future Video Vocab segments: put a Japanese-style sound-effect at the beginning of a two-word set, where the Japanese word is spoken first, and I'm to guess or remember the English meaning/ translation. Likewise, put a Western/ American-style sound-effect at the beginning of a two-word set, where the English word is spoken first, and I'm to guess or remember the Japanese translation.

THIS will help keep the two words in one set WITHIN the total video segment, something helpful if one day, we're not looking down at our iPod and strictly using the video vocab as an audio file, for fast, comprehensive vocabulary drills.

That's it. Jé, ne.


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