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Continuation of Newbie and Beginner Lessons?

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Continuation of Newbie and Beginner Lessons?

Postby ktnagel » September 19th, 2009 1:13 pm

Hello all こんにちはみなさん

will the Newbie and Beginner Lessons be continued in 2009 ?
Longing for new Podcasts...

Regards from Germany

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Postby tessdasey » September 21st, 2009 6:43 am

Yes, I'd really like to see a return to the Newbie and Beginner lessons as well.

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Postby watermen » September 21st, 2009 8:44 am

I would like to see a beginner series that bring new comers smoothly into lower intermediate series. Currently, only Beginner Season 1 effectively serve this purpose. The other Seasons remain quite widely gap to the lower intermediate series.

No more Onegaishimasu, Arigatou lessons, please.

You may keep producing lowbie lessons, but if there is no smooth continuity into upper level, a lot of new listeners are going to regret it later on.

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Postby tessdasey » September 21st, 2009 9:36 am

Yes ... I must admit you are right in there being a huge gap between Beginner/Newbie and Lower Intermediate. I am currently working my way through the original Lower Intermediate (I'm up to Lesson 62) and I find that I don't get much out of it simply because all the explanations and banter is in (untranslated) Japanese. Somewhere in the middle would be great to transition to the next level, rather than being thrown in the deep end without floaties!!! :roll:

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Postby ShiroiNeko » November 21st, 2009 12:38 am

tessdasey wrote:Yes ... I must admit you are right in there being a huge gap between Beginner/Newbie and Lower Intermediate. I am currently working my way through the original Lower Intermediate (I'm up to Lesson 62) and I find that I don't get much out of it simply because all the explanations and banter is in (untranslated) Japanese. Somewhere in the middle would be great to transition to the next level, rather than being thrown in the deep end without floaties!!! :roll:

I add my voice to this - I am having trouble jumping the gap between beginner and Lower Int.

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Re: Continuation of Newbie and Beginner Lessons?

Postby Ulver_684 » December 12th, 2009 8:30 pm

ktnagel wrote:Hello all こんにちはみなさん

will the Newbie and Beginner Lessons be continued in 2009 ?
Longing for new Podcasts...

Regards from Germany

Ktnagel-san! :wink:

I definitive agree we need more Newbie and Beginner S5 lessons! :suki:
I'm a little ashamed than I'm still a beginner :oops: but once I finish all Newbie/Beginner lessons because I go in order, I will be able to jump to Intermediate lessons soon or later. :rock:

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More Newbie and Beginner lessons

Postby anjinsan » December 13th, 2009 6:03 pm

I have to agree with everyone here, it would be nice to have more of these lessons. More than that though, I would like to get more conversations utilizing those grammar points and vocabulary. Many Beginner lessons I have listened to so much I can repeat word for word. I would just like to get more practice with dialog no that level where I didn't know the next word that will be spoken.

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Postby Jessi » December 14th, 2009 1:08 am

Please take a listen to the News that came out yesterday! In it we talk about the new lesson schedule for 2010. Both the Newbie and Beginner series are coming back for a fifth season next year :mrgreen:
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