Hey, I love the site. I have a suggestion to make the dictionary easier to use, and it's not a difficult thing to change I don't think.
The search is rather limited. Only giving an option to search "Is" or "Starts with" limits the ability to search Japanese words that you are unsure of the spelling (or more often, pronunciation) of.
So if anyone reads this, I'd suggest a more intuitive search for the dictionary. Something similar to Google's ability to say "Did you mean..." when you typo or misspell something.
And also, (and this isn't as important) it'd be nice to be able to search other forms of the word. Like the -te or -mashita forms of words. Or at least if I searched "Kite", it might refer me to "Kiku." Again, not such a big deal. But it'd be pretty sweet.
Anyway, that's my two cents worth.
Thanks for the work you guys put in here.