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Salmonella Men from Planet Porno

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Salmonella Men from Planet Porno

Postby animate » February 15th, 2007 1:59 am

In March, Yasutaka Tsutsui gets his first American (and UK) novel publication - Salmonella Men on Planet Porno! (And if that title hasn't already sold you...nothing will!)

I have not read anything he's done (as I can't read Japanese fluently), but am very excited because he's influenced many Japanese authors and comic book writers (Hino, Ito, etc.) and is sort of a sensation in certain circles.

Here's his Wiki page, if you're interested.

Who else is excited about this? Any fans out there?

Been Around a Bit
Posts: 18
Joined: October 28th, 2006 3:53 pm

Postby botterli » May 5th, 2007 5:12 pm

This post (and the title, of course) prompted me to get this book and today it finally arrived. I've read the four first stories, and I'm enjoying it immensely. The stories are very funny and original. And crazy :)

You can read some of his stories here: "The roumors about me" is also in the book. Good stuff.

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