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Tsukiji Fish Market

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Tsukiji Fish Market

Postby Hiroko » December 18th, 2008 5:21 am

Did anyone see this news about Tsukiji? ... 20072.html

Thought maybe this can be an interesting topic for a discussion. I'm curious to see what everyone has to say about this new rule.


I personally think that it's a shame that the fish market had to do this for a few silly drunk people who didn't respect the culture, or didn't even care. This reminded me of Japanese tourists doing graffiti on the wall in Rome. People who can't respect other cultures and rules, should stay in their country :roll:

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Postby Taurus » December 18th, 2008 11:32 am

|didn't really know what they meant by bad-mannered tourists till I watched the clip of those guys. Unbelievable.

I think the problem with Tsukiji is that all of the guides list it as if it's some sort of must-see tourist destination whereas in fact it's a very busy, working fish market. I went there last year and was struck by how busy it was, and how dangerous it could be if you weren't paying attention. Personally, I don't think taking pictures of fish is such a bad-mannered thing to do as long as you're not blocking up the aisles or whatever. But yeah, probably hijacking one of the little lorries that the workers use to get around is pretty bad form.

I think it's a shame it's closed though. I wonder how London's Billingsgate fish market deals with tourists... I don't think they get as many though. Maybe one solution would be to close it apart from organised tours, so people could still get to see it, but they'd have to book in advance and be accompanied by a tour guide. That way Tsukiji could limit the numbers of guests, and also keep their behaviour reigned in.

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Postby jkid » December 18th, 2008 4:15 pm

Things like this really contribute to foreigners getting viewed negativity in Japanese society. Such a shame.

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Postby Psy » December 18th, 2008 11:31 pm

Hmm. Part of me wonders if this is media sensationalism and rigged for the camera... the other part of me secretly knows that there are lots of people who act like this in Japan. While the video clip speaks for itself, I will add this: Had the guy been studying with JPod-101, the situation would have carried out differently... I can see it now: mou ichido, onegaishimasu. yukkuri onegaishimasu. :twisted:

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Postby Hiroko » December 19th, 2008 2:15 am

I think the flaw on the Tsukiji market side is that they never set a limit to the visitors until very recently. This place was not actually "opened" for foreigners/tourists to begin with. The tourists just began to enter the areas they are not supposed to, but the Market didn't stop them because of their relation to Japan Tourism Association, which they should have. Then it was introduced in tour guide books as "tousits-must-visit-sight" in tokyo, so the foreigners who are not familiar with japanese customs/cultures began to coming in more than the market expected.
Now the market is closed because this month is the busiest season for them, and they don't need anyone touching the fish, licking the fish, or hugging the fish :roll: so, after a month, i think the market will open to tourists again!

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Postby gerald_ford » January 21st, 2009 10:59 am

Annoying foreign tourists though seem to run in other areas of Tokyo though. I remember being in Harajuku, Takeshitadori street, and seeing some pretty obnoxious guys there. It's outdoors and such, so it's not like Tsukiji, but it was pretty embarrassing being a foreigner myself. Somehow people get it in their head that when they're abroad they can act like jerks.

Actually, while living here in Ireland, I've seen some terrible, obnoxious behavior by foreigners coming to Ireland for fun, so it's not just Japan.

Like Hiroko says, Tsukiji probably wasn't intended to a tourist destination until too late. I think they're better off without it though if business can be conducted more normally.
--Gerald Ford: Pirate-Viking-Monk in training.


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Tsukiji Market Re-opened

Postby Hiroko » January 22nd, 2009 4:11 am

Tsukiji Fish Market re-opened the market to foreigners last week. Many travel agencies complained about them closing the market and their busiest season has passed. They now hand out pamphlets with fish market rules written :roll:

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Postby gerald_ford » January 22nd, 2009 2:54 pm

They should just hire a bit scary looking yakuza-like guy (with a sword), and a sign that says "Don't touch fish, stupid". That will teach the foreigners!
--Gerald Ford: Pirate-Viking-Monk in training.


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Postby binz » March 16th, 2009 11:48 pm

Psy wrote: mou ichido, onegaishimasu. yukkuri onegaishimasu. :twisted:

Ha ha har. :D Too true.

I really regret not getting to Tokyo before the infamous Tsukiji market shut down, would really liked to have tried the fresh sushi there...I heard it has been replaced by another location though, right?

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