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Heroes Season 2 Episode 1

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Heroes Season 2 Episode 1

Postby danieru_s » September 25th, 2007 2:54 am

Not to give anything away about the new season of Heroes, but I think I picked up a bit more of the Japanese than I did last year.

One thing, two males were speaking at one point... they used watashi and anata between themselves. The younger one called the older one "anata". I would have thought that was a bit unusual.

Anyway, I remember hearing about a Heroes-based lesson -- has it happened? Did I miss it? Is it still planned?


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Postby jemstone » September 26th, 2007 9:10 am

could it be that it was the younger one talking, so addressing the other person (the older guy) anata. coz "anata" literally just means "you". and "watashi" means "me" or "i".

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Postby 1wmitchell » October 14th, 2007 3:38 pm

my wife - (japanese) gets so mad when she hears the actors on heroes all 'cept hiro sound really odd apparently :)

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Postby jemstone » October 18th, 2007 9:56 am

1wmitchell wrote:my wife - (japanese) gets so mad when she hears the actors on heroes all 'cept hiro sound really odd apparently :)

could it be that they are using 外人 to translate the english to japanese, so as to keep their 外人 outlook? coz i think it would be weird to see these 外人 (except hiro) sound and speak exactly like a native japanese.

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Postby danieru_s » October 20th, 2007 1:32 am

Seeing the subtitles certainly helps, but I do think I actually understand more this season (after a summer of JapanesePod101 lessons) than I did last year.

Now if I could only get past my current abilities... the last lessons at the beginner level are still too difficult for me.

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Postby TheNationalPool » October 20th, 2007 4:59 pm

I read that Masi Oka does the translating himself. This may or may not be true however. I may have read that on Wikipedia.

I think it's very cool that they use Japanese on the show. I get a little education with my entertainment.

However, wouldn't the ancient Japanese used when Hiro travels back in time be too different to understand compared to contemporary Japanese? I know it's just a TV show, but I don't think this makes any sense.
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Postby rachelsmith » April 14th, 2008 11:28 am

I think the others (excluding Masi Oka) probably sound weird because they aren't actually Japanese. James Kyson Lee is of Korean decent and had to learn Japanese for the series, and George Takei is American-Japanese so his accent probably sounds more gaijin, and his sister is played by a Japanese American too. Not sure about other any of the minor Japanese characters.

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Postby Javizy » April 14th, 2008 11:43 am

jemstone wrote:could it be that it was the younger one talking, so addressing the other person (the older guy) anata. coz "anata" literally just means "you". and "watashi" means "me" or "i".

I think he means the lack of respect 'anata' shows to a senpai, especially if you're not friends.

I don't really watch the show, but I've seen parts and noticed one of the guys had a really off accent, so I'm glad I wasn't just tripping out. Does this mean we all sound weird too? :lol:

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